Well Ness Care

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At Wellness-care, Children, adults, and their caregivers learn to understand their individual disease and how to manage it successfully. To achieve this mission, LFF focuses on a community model-emphasizing diversity, encouraging holistic wellness, and connecting people with delicious and hydrating micro-meals. We give direct support to agencies, individuals, and families. We coordinate and advocate for a comprehensive service delivery system that combines sensory integration training and lifestyle changes.

Children, adults, and their caregivers - mostly underserved communities.

We coordinate and advocate for a comprehensive service delivery system that combines sensory integration and lifestyle changes. we strive to meet the needs of the underserved and conduct direct humanitarian services. We have been making a measurable impact in the lives of individuals, families and caregivers since 2009.

Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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