Inner And Outer Ear Infections - CMCL

Ear infections which are mainly bacterial or viral infections can affect hearing ability depending on the cause of infection. Learn more about the inner, outer and middle ear infection. The hearing mechanism of our ears consists of three main sections - the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. Ear infections which are mainly bacterial or viral infections can affect any of these sections depending on the cause of infection.
An outer ear infection is sometimes referred to as swimmer's ear. Because after swimming or a shower some water may remain in the outer ear portion. This water if not removed or cleaned properly make that area damp and an ideal breeding ground for bacteria that may reach there via the finger or any other object of scratching the outer lining of the ear.
Middle ear infections are usually originated from a cold, throat infection, or allergy attack. As we know that the ear has a partition wall called eardrum which vibrates in resonance to the external sound waves.
The middle ear is located right behind the eardrum and is usually filled with air but can become filled with fluids due to cold or respiratory infections. Once the cold is cleared the fluid is drained out through the eustachian tube that connects the ear to the back of the nose.
Inner ear infection is caused by the bacterial or viral attack but is inflammation or irritation of the parts of the ear involved in the process called labyrinthitis.